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Privacy Policy

It is the policy of Straightsell to comply with the National Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cwth) as required by that Act ("federal privacy law"). Apart from our legal and ethical commitment to compliance with the law, we value and respect our professional relationships with our clients, staff and other individuals with whom we deal and we respect their desire for privacy.

Straightsell collects for inclusion in a record and holds the following types of personal information, purely for the purpose of best serving the needs of its clients, staff and other persons to whom it has a commitment (which includes serving its business needs as a technology and payment provider):

  1. Information of many types about individual clients generally as given to us by those clients, collected in the course of acting for them;
  2. Information of many types about individuals with whom our clients deal, collected from our clients or from those individuals in the course of acting for our clients;
  3. Information about roles, means of communication with and personal attributes of officers, employees and other representatives of corporations with whom Straightsell or its clients deal, collected incidentally in the course of dealing with those parties;
  4. Information disclosed by personal users of Straightsell's information technology systems (which are typical systems which store data), collected in the ordinary course of those users' use of such systems;

Information is destroyed when it is no longer useful or it is unreliable and cannot be corrected.

Straightsell only uses the above types of information for the relevant client's needs or its internal professional or business needs which include meeting its statutory and contractual obligations, assessing persons' compliance with law, card scheme rules and BECS clearance rules, firm policy and contracts, making payments and of course communicating with the individual concerned. We only disclose the above types of information in accordance with clients' requirements, as required by law or in some cases to contractors or advisers (such as external photocopying or IT contractors) in the course of the performance of their duties but subject to equivalent privacy commitments. It is conceivable in an extreme situation, but not anticipated, that such information could be disclosed if it is both important for the individual and is permissible under federal privacy law (eg a health or safety threat).

Personal information is not used or disclosed unless, relying on its internal practices, Straightsell is confident that it is accurate, complete and current. Individuals can assist us to maintain accurate records by notifying us of any change in their personal details. Straightsell will allow an individual access to personal information about himself or herself except to the extent that it is entitled to deny access under federal privacy law. It will correct any such information which the individual establishes is not accurate, complete or up-to-date. If Straightsell receives, although it has not sought, personal information about individuals from them or from other persons, it only retains it in a record if it is necessary for Straightsell's functions or activities and if it can comply with federal privacy law in relation to it.

This privacy policy is also the policy of each officer and employee of Straightsell for all purposes not connected with his or her personal, family or household affairs.

For further information please contact Straightsell's privacy officer:

  • Privacy Officer
  • Straightsell
  • Shop 124, Balcony Level
  • Adelaide Arcade SA 5000
  • Phone: 1300 136 456