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SAP Business One Software eCommerce Integration

The Straightsell eCommerce Platform webstore integration to SAP Business One is facilitated by our prebuilt CloudLINK application which resides in the content management system automating the data transfer between SAP Business One and the webstore.

Transferred from SAP Business One to the webstore:

  • Inventory Item Details and Stock Levels,
  • Customers and Customer Details,
  • Customer Special Pricing, and
  • Customer Invoices and Credit Notes.

Transferred from the webstore to SAP Business One:

  • Sales Orders or Draft Orders or Reserve Invoices,
  • Payments on Sales Orders or Draft Orders, or Reserve Invoices and Customer Invoices, and
  • New Customer and Customer Details.

SAP Business One:

  • Filtering the import of Items based on a User-Defined field (Show on Web) and/or Inactive Flag,
  • Configurable field mapping and import of Item standard fields, User-Defined Fields and Remarks,
  • Import and stock quantity tracking for Bill of Materials (BOM) Items for Sales BOM Type,
  • Import of multiple warehouse stock quantities*, up to 20 warehouse's,
  • Filtering the import of BP Customers based on a User-Defined field,
  • Import of BP Customer User-Defined Fields*,
  • Import of Addresses (CRD1 table) for Ship To selection*,
  • Import of Leads,
  • Import of BP Catalog Numbers (OSCN table)*,
  • Import of Reserve Invoices and A/R Down Payment Invoices,
  • Automatic creation and deletion of website customers (Buyers) Business Partner Customers,
  • Export Sales Order, Reserve Invoice or Draft Order:
    • As Unapproved,
    • To the Default Warehouse or to a specifeid Warehouse, and
    • Use Address Free Text or Address Component.
  • Export Freight as a Sales Order line or Expense,
  • Support for Items with Do Not Apply Discount Groups flag selected,
  • Support for export of an A/R Down Payment Invoice to enable auto-apply of payment to Sales Order,
  • Support for inc GST Item pricing, and
  • Support for both AUD and NZD currency Customers in a single website.

Web Services Integration (CloudLINK):

  • Automated operation with option to perform manual data transfers,
  • Configurable field selection and mapping from CloudLINK to SAP Business One fields,
  • Export of inventory data to XLS file for manual update,
  • Import of inventory data from XLS file, and
  • Creation of data transformation rules between SAP Business One and CloudLINK, including:
    • Application of item data to field based on data in another field,
    • Item Ignore / Unignore Rules, and
    • Data transfer logging.

* Website implementation required.

Price Lists:

  • Support for all functionality, and
  • Assigning a single Price List as the websites Standard Price (RRP).

Business Partner Customer:

  • Assigning the Price List field value for the Customer from the available Price Lists,
  • Assigning the Effective Discount Groups with either Highest Discount or Lowest Discount only, excluding Average, Total, and Discount Multiples, and
  • Assigning the Effective Price with Default Priority only, excluding Lowest Price and Highest Price.

Period and Volume Discounts:

  • Support for all functionality, including Valid From and Valid To dates.

Discount Groups:

  • Support for all functionality, excluding Vendor Group type Discount Groups and any Discount Group where the Properties tab, Disc. Relations field value equal Discount Multiples.

Special Prices for Business Partners:

  • Support for all functionality.



Website Hosting Only

Sell your products to customers via a login portal


  • 50,000 products
  • 15,000 orders per year
  • 1,000,000 monthly page views
  • Unlimited Data Storage

B2B & B2C

Website Hosting Only

Display and sell your products to all customers via a webstore


  • All B2B features
  • Products available publicly
  • Additional Product Display, Checkout & Marketing options
  • Additional Add-on options


Website Hosting Only

All available features with the addition of custom development


  • All B2B & B2C features
  • All Add-on options
  • Custom development options
Note: All pricing in Australian dollars, excluding GST, for new customers only. All plans billed monthly, with set-up billed equally over 1st 3 months from sign-up.
Note 2: Sage Intacct quarterly API call charges of $0.05 USD for the 1st 1,000 API calls per quarter plus $0.15 USD for every 10 API calls after the 1st 1,000 calls. API calls are invoiced in AUD based on the USD exchange rate on the day of invoicing.

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