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Call us in AU on 1300 136 456 or NZ on +61 8 7078 4580

Master Australia freshen things up with the launch of their upgraded Straightsell eCommerce webstore integrated to Attache

Master Australia is a long established supplier of quality cleaning equipment and products to a large cross-section of commercial, industrial, hospitality and healthcare facilities located in Marrickville, New South Wales.

Master Australia has been a Straightsell customer since 2005 and were looking to update the appearance of the website in conjunction with extending the features of the shopping cart checkout approvals add-on.

Straightsell has delivered a visually updated website that supports all of the functionality of their previous eCommerce website as well as suite of features that enables select Master Australia customers to have site managers that place orders for multiple managed sites according to a sites specific budget. The functionality includes escalated hierarchical order approval via the standard shopping cart checkout approvals add-on.

The integration with Attache continues to cater for the transfer of product data including; inventory, customer, customer special pricing and invoices information from Attache and web orders and payments to Attache via the Straightsell eCommerce prebuilt integration to Attache.

To review the new Master Australia ecommerce website click, Master Australia new Straightsell eCommerce website.

To review all our Live Attache eCommerce websites click, all of our websites integrated to Attache.