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Sitemap Generator

Have a website Sitemap file generated daily by enabling the Sitemap Generator add-on on your Straightsell website.

The Sitemap file is a 'URL List' of the web pages of your website that can be referenced in the Google Search Console (previously called Webmaster Tools) and for other search engines. Search engine web crawlers like Googlebot read this file to more intelligently crawl your site.

Once this add-on is enabled a Sitemap file will be created daily, and the file can be downloaded manually via the CMS.

Sitemaps can be useful where your website has a lot of pages (a Straightsell website lists one page per product), or your website is new and has few external links to it, or your website has a low number of pages in the search index even after it has been publicly available for some time.

Google Search Console Sitemaps Example

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