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Product Catalogue Filter Groups

Allocate products in your catalogue to groups and make them available on a separate page by enabling the Product Catalogue Filter Group add-on on your Straightsell website.

This add-on will enable you to allocate products in your catalogue to groups (e.g. Clearance, New, Sale) to make them available on a separate page accessible via a link in the navigation bar and footer. The products can also optionally be set to display a sticker (e.g. Clearance) and be shown in a product showcase located on the website home page.

Display on Separate Page:

  • All products allocated to a group will appear on a separate webpage accessible via a link.
Product Catalogue Filter Groups Image

Additional Display Options:

  • Products allocated to a group can display a sticker to identify them in the general catalogue.
  • Show products allocated to a group in a product showcase located on the website home page.
Product Catalogue Filter Groups Image 2

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