Order Checkout Approvals


Provide your website Account Customers with centralised purchasing control by enabling the Order Checkout Approvals add-on on your Straightsell website.

Straightsell Order Checkout Approvals functionality ensures that only designated administrator users can complete the purchase process by processing orders submitted by one or more requesters.

Example Approval Page for Order Approvers.

Order Checkout Approvals can be enabled on a customer-by-customer basis by simply ticking a checkbox accessible via the customer record in the Straightsell CMS. This means that customers who require an approval process, and customers who don't can both use your Straightsell website to place orders. Once enabled the process is simple:

  1. Requester adds items to the cart and via our single page checkout completes the order details and submits the order for completion by their chosen approver.
  2. Approver receives an email notification of the request, logs into to the website to review the request, and then either rejects the order or completes it as is or with changes.

Standard Features Include:

  • Single page checkout for requesters to seek order approval
  • Checkout Requests page for pending and completed requests, order information and their statuses (approved / rejected)
  • Email notifications to requesters and approvers
  • Unlimited users per customer account
  • Customer account can contain users with varied account codes that flow through to the order

Standard Features can be augmented with a range of additional modules that include:

  • User Item Quantity Budgets
  • User Monetary Budgets
  • Multi-Approver Selection
  • Filtering by Department
  • Over Budget Order Partial Credit Card Payment
  • Admin User Purchasing for Other Users

Contact Us for More Information

Advanced, Order Approval, Sales