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Carac are very happy campers now they have launched their upgraded Straightsell eCommerce webstore integrated with Jiwa Financials

From humble beginnings where caravan parts and accessories were an add-on to their automotive business, a boom in caravanning in the last three decades has seen this become the number one focus of the business.

Carac have been a Straightsell customer since 2015 and approached us to upgrade their existing eCommerce website to offer their full range of products with some new features and an emphasis on completing the upgrade as quickly as possible. The website was completed and launched in under two months with the following new add-ons being included:

The integration continues to cater for the upload of product data including; inventory, customer, customer special pricing and invoices information from Jiwa Financials and the download of website data including; web orders and payments to Jiwa Financials via our Straightsell eCommerce integration with Jiwa Financials.

To review the Carac eCommerce website click, Carac new Straightsell eCommerce Website.

To review all our Live Jiwa Financials eCommerce websites click, All of Our Websites Integrated to Jiwa Financials.