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Straightsell order numbers and value of orders for July 2016 thru June 2017 are...

From July 2016 thru June 2017 140,818 orders worth over $77.283M were processed via Straightsell.

A 20.3% increase in the value of orders and a 4.9% increase in the number of orders processed for the same period last year!

Review the Value of Orders graph below:
Straightsell Value of Orders - July 2016 thru June 2017
Review the Number of Orders graph below:
Straightsell Number of Orders - July 2016 thru June 2017

15,385 orders worth over $13.768M were processed via our Account Manager Login functionality, and 29,519 orders worth over $5.334M were paid via Credit Card during checkout!

Review the Value of Orders comparison to Account Manager Orders and Credit Card Orders graph below:
Straightsell Value of Orders compared to Account Manager and Credit Card Orders - July 2106 thru June 2017
Straightsell eCommerce websites - websites that sell!